Garden Rules



1.  Individual plots for the coming year will be assigned by the Garden Coordinator from October 31 through May 31, in the following order:
  • Those who had individual plots in the prior year and have met their garden obligations will be reassigned the same plot if a renewal application with a deposit of at least $10 is submitted by November 1.
  • New gardeners will be assigned an available plot after November 1 in the order of their requests.
  • Each household, regardless of the number of residents, will be assigned only one individual plot
2. Membership fee is $50 per year, and gives the right to water, cultivate, and harvest an individual plot, participate in meetings and decision-making regarding the garden, and harvest from common areas. Members can request to pay a fee less than $50 ($20 minimum). Applications filed by November 1 receive a $10 discount from the full membership fee.

3. If there are unassigned individual plots after May 31, the Garden Coordinator, if requested, will assign a second plot to one or more members for the purpose of growing common area crops.

4. Helping with common areas is required. Each gardener will be assigned to be co-steward of a common area as a condition of membership.

5. Individual plots must be tended regularly throughout the year, including at least weekly weeding, watering, and harvesting in season. If a plot is untended for more than two weeks during the regular season of March 1 through October 31, or if a stewardship task has not been completed for over a month, the gardener may be given notice to correct by a particular date; if the problem continues, the plot maybe reassigned to someone else without a refund of fees.

6. Organic and inorganic fertilizers may be applied, though organic are preferred. Only organic pest and herb control may be used—no insecticides or herbicides.

7. Water use and conservation are important. Water must be turned off at the spigot before leaving the garden. Watering should be limited to one’s own plot unless permission is given by others.

8. Trees are not permitted in individual plots, and tall or trellised plants should not shade neighboring plots; spreading plants must be kept within individual boundaries and out of the paths. Raised beds are allowed but must be removed by the owner when the plot is reassigned if requested. All plots—individual and common—must be prepared for winter by October 31. To prevent weed growth, all plots—individual and common—that are not going to be cultivated during the winter must be prepared for winter by October 31 by clearing and covering with cardboard, wood chips, leaves or straw.

9. Community tools and equipment may not be removed from the garden, and must be returned to the tool shed in clean condition and the shed left locked.

10. Gardeners are encouraged to donate 10% of their individual plot harvest to local food banks. Produce from the garden may not be sold. All members may fairly share in the harvest from common areas for their current household use.

11. Children under the age of 18 are welcome as long as they are closely supervised to avoid damage to neighboring plots and common areas. No dogs are permitted in the garden.

Revised 10/4/2022